DUT Call 2023 info day 2 – project pitches
Date: 10 October 2023, 13:00-17:00 (CET)
Register on the DUT matchmaking platform for the event https://dut-call-2023.b2match.io/
The DUT Call 2023 Info Day 2 is an opportunity for selected participants to pitch their project idea or expertise to find the missing partners or a consortium and to increase the value of the proposal.
You can can indicate your interest in pitching your project idea until the 27th of September 12:00 CET.
If your pitch is selected you will receive an email with the template and further instructions on the 2nd of October at the latest.
Please, find the ppt template for your pitch here.
Please, join this event on: https://ffg.zoom.us/j/82171605058?pwd=UVlWOHcxZHl0OXMzKytWQzlsQkxCUT09
13:00 – 13:05 Welcome and Introduction
13:05 – 13:20 General aspect of the DUT Joint Call 2023: Call timeline, rules, how to apply (indications on where to find the information)
13:20 – 14:00 PED Pitches
14:00 – 14:15 COFFEE BREAK
14:15 – 15:15 15mC Pitches
15:15 – 17:00 CUE Pitches
17:00 Closure
Questions and answers will be available during the event.
Contact for the Call Info Day 2: urban@fecyt.es
Please, find the event presentations here: