French national event: Accélérer vers la neutralité climatique

Accélérer vers la neutralité climatique

(p)réparer les territoires pour affronter les défis de l’Anthropocène


With the support of CapaCITIES, and as part of the French national Mirror Group’s activities (in partnership with the City of Marseille, the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the General Commission for Sustainable Development – CGDD, the National Agency for Territorial Cohesion – ANCT, and France Urbaine), France Ville Durable will hold the next gathering of French laureates from Horizon Europe’s Cities” Mission, in Marseille on September 26th. 

Featuring the participation of representatives from CapaCITIES, NetZeroCities, the European Commission as well as public and private stakeholders committed to accelerating towards climate neutrality, this event will be an opportunity to:

  • discuss on the Mission’s progress and perspectives in the longer term,
  • identify the main barriers and drivers for action,
  • capitalize on the experience of the 9 French “living labs” to inspire all cities currently working on their strategies to reach the 2050 objectives,
  • share methodologies, tools and good practices on key topics such as investments, public-private partnerships or strategic planning and monitoring.

The roundtables will be livestreamed online, allowing a larger French-speaking audience to attend virtually and engage with the speakers and participants.

This sequence will take place within a 2-day national event organized in Marseille as part of France Ville Durable’s annual flagship meeting, “Sustainable Cities and Territories in Action”, which brings together professionals (both public and private) from the urban and territorial development sector in France, and serves as a platform for knowledge exchange, sharing best practices, and fostering collaboration to drive sustainability. On Monday 25th, the programme will revolve around a regenerative approach to deal with the challenges of the Anthropoceneadvocating for the integration of the nine planetary boundaries into territorial planning.

More information and registration: VDA2023 – France Ville Durable or


The meeting provided an opportunity to assess the Mission’s progress, share difficulties and levers for actions identified, and also operational tools, methods and best practices implemented by the 9 French laureated of the Cities Mission to speed up the decarbonization process.  

You can watch the full replay video (English subtitles available) here.