20th of March

CapaCITIES Transnational Cities Mission AllianceHow to strengthen national governance for achieving the Cities Mission – good practice cases from Austria, France, Greece and Hungary

It was the first webinar in the series of the events that will contribute to the building of the CapaCITIES Transnational Cities Mission Alliance. It focused on how to strengthen national governance for achieving the Cities Mission and presented good practice cases from Austria, France, Greece and Hungary. The event was opened to all interested stakeholders (representatives of ministries in charge of urban or sectoral transitions, R&I ministries, national urban policy agencies, city authorities, funding agencies and urban actors, who were willing to participate and engage). Policy makers shared their experiences in strengthening the national governance system for urban transitions towards climate neutrality. The webinar was organized by the CapaCITIES project in the framework of its Transnational Cities Mission Alliance.