CapaCITIES Webinar: Funding and financing for climate neutral cities: How can the national level support cities?

How are cities planning to finance their 2030 climate neutrality objective? What are the traditional sources of funding and what are the innovative financing approaches and tools? Finally, what can the national level do to better support local governments in financing climate neutrality? These and many more questions will be addressed at the CapaCITIES webinar, during which we will explain the basics of climate investment planning at the local level as well as present good practices of the national level support for climate neutral cities from Sweden and Finland.The webinar is dedicated to facilitators of the national support structures for climate neutral cities and all relevant stakeholders from their national ecosystems, especially the ones directly providing funding and financing to cities.


Detailed agenda:

Welcome and the introduction to the CapaCITIES capacity-building series | Olga Krajewska (ICLEI Europe)

Current challenges of cities to finance an accelerated transformation to climate neutrality | Wolfgang Teubner (ICLEI Europe)

Basics of climate investment planning at the city level | Fedra Vanhuyse (Viable Cities)

Private finance. Insights from the Climate City Contract Investment Plan process | Sissy Windisch (Mission Board)

Case study from Finland: Business Finland. Decarbonized Cities programme | Sini Uuttu (Business Finland)

Case study from Sweden: Innovation in public funding | Anna-Karin Stoltz (Swedish Energy Agency)

Discussion and Q&A


Watch the webinar recording here: