Workshop on multi-level governance for smart and carbon-neutral cities in Portugal

On 7th of February 2024, the first of a series of three events promoted by DGEG, took place in Portugal with the support of the Centre for Studies in Innovation, Technology and Development Policies (IN+), within the scope of the CapaCITIES project. The transition to climate neutrality in 2030 requires coordination between all levels of governance (European, national, regional, and local), new forms of dialogue and interaction that contribute to promoting an effective multi-level governance model. This requires clear communication, integrated planning and constructive collaboration between public authorities and other stakeholders. This first event brought together entities that are developing work in this direction, including DGEG (DG Energy), APA (Environmental Agency),  ANI (Innovation Agency), ADENE (Energy Agency), FCT (Science and Technology Foundation), DGT (DG Territory), CCDRs (Regional Commissions), the Network of Portuguese Cities and Regions for Climate Neutrality and  the  NetZeroCities Platform, with the aim of starting the discussion on a multi-level governance model appropriate to the country. The second event, to be held on March 26, will bring together also other stakeholders to continue this joint effort to support Portuguese cities within the scope of the European Mission for Smart and Carbon Neutral Cities.


The full programme of this first meeting can be accessed here.