DUT City Panel Vienna


Bringing climate action into practice: How to work with best cases examples?

The DUT Partnership organises a joint meeting of the DUT City Panel and the the DUT Public Officers and Practitioners Community (PoPC) in Vienna. This will be the first in-person meeting of the panel, giving opportunity to direct personal exchange, discussions and work on projects in your cities, and visit exciting projects and developments in Vienna. With a focus on practical experience of participating cities, the key topic of the event is on the learnings cities can take from other cities, and how these learnings can be integrated in concrete urban strategies. The event will include expert inputs, workshops with the cities and site visits to exciting projects in Vienna.

Time: 1 and 2 June, 2023

Place: Vienna


1 June: 09:00-11:00 CEST – PoPC Session – Welcome & Introduction
1 June: 09:00-11:00 CEST – City Panel Morning Walk
1 June: 11:00-12:30 CEST –  Welcome Session
1 June: 12:30-13:30 CEST – Lunch
1 June: 13:30-17:30 CEST – Climate action strategies and projects – presentations & workshop
1 June: 17:30-18:30 CEST – City Stroll & Case Study Mariahilfer Strasse
1 June: 19:30-22:00 CEST – Working Dinner

2 June: 09:00-11:00 CEST – City Panel Workshop Session
2 June: 11:00 CEST – Hand-out of light lunch to go
2 June: 11:00-15:30 CEST – Presentations and Site Visits in Vienna


Stay tuned for outcome and findings of the event on the DUT LinkedIn page.


The event is by invitation only: We invite participants from DUT City Panel member cities and DUT’s Public Officers and Practitioners Community.

Strategies and actions taken by European cities are essential for meeting European ambitions towards climate-neutrality. The DUT Partnership strongly commits to actively engage in a consultative manner with representatives of urban public administration for its activities. As problem-owners and experts for urban use cases, involving their experience, needs and requirements is essential in order to develop challenge-driven and innovative solutions.

By addressing key issues of the DUT Transition Pathways – the 15-minute City, Positive Energy Districts, Circular Urban Economies – the DUT City Panel therefore aims to:

    • shape priorities of a transnational European R&I programme by bringing in local expertise, experiences and needs,
    • exchange, discuss and learn from experiences of other European municipalities and cities,
    • actively contribute to developing strategies towards climate-neutral, sustainable, inclusive and liveable urban environments.

The Public Officers and Practitioners Community (PoPC) aims at further developing the dialogue between research and practitioners by addressing four types of gaps:

    • organisational
    • procedures and procurement
    • funding
    • technological solutions



For the City Panel you can reach out to:

Christoph Gollner, PED coordinator: Christoph.gollner@ffg.at
Maxi Jäger, 15mC coordinator: Maximilian.Jaeger@austriatech.at
Björn Wallsten, CUE coordinator: Bjorn.wallsten@formas.se

For the PoP Community you can reach out to:

Silvia Bossi: silvia.bossi@enea.it
Paola Clerici: paola.clerici@enea.it
Gilda Massa: gilda.massa@enea.it