Urban Lunch Talk #25

Innovative Housing Strategies for Social Integration


4 April | 12:00-13:00 (CET) | Online (Zoom) 

Welcome to a new episode of the Urban Lunch Talks series addressing the theme Urban transitions in times of crises. In this upcoming webinar we will discuss findings from projects funded in the JPI Urban Europe Urban Migration Call. These projects provide an extensive and newly built knowledge base about the experience of migrants in European urban housing markets. They also put forward innovative and inclusive housing strategies for social integration and increased sustainability.  

Europe is in the midst of a housing crisis. There is a shortage of places to live and a lot of what is available is just not affordable for many people. This includes precarious migrants, refugees & other newcomers to cities in Europe. They face even more barriers to access secure, high quality and long-term accommodation: language barriers, discrimination, and restrictions because of their legal status.  

Connecting those living precariously with diverse housing options is essential to creating cities characterised by inclusion, cohesion, and responsiveness to those most in need. But as research supported by JPI Urban Europe shows, the solutions really require the cooperation of multiple actors, a culture shift in the housing market, and a deep understanding of the issues we are dealing with. 

Join us for the upcoming Urban Lunch Talk, where we’ll explore how innovative housing strategies and sharing practices hold the potential to not only facilitate migrant integration but also advance sustainability goals. 



  • Annegret Haase, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ. Representative of the HOUSE-IN project
  • Eva Maria Kehrer, Urban Innovation Vienna. Representative of the Inclusive housing project
  • Katharina Kirsch-Soriano da Silva, Caritas Stadteilarbeit. Representative of the Inclusive housing project
  • Florian Koch, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin. Representative of the ProSHARE project

Moderator: Jennifer Wendelius – Communications Officer, Driving Urban Transitions Partnership


Watch the recording of the webinar on the DUT YouTube channel.


Urban Lunch Talk webinar series

This Urban Lunch Talk is part of a webinar series to discuss and synthesise cross-cutting research and innovation, with diverse stakeholders across Europe and beyond. By facilitating conversations among various stakeholders, we aim to inspire collaborative efforts and practical solutions that can drive sustainable transitions in urban policies and practices. The webinar is designed to be more of a listening experience, allowing you to enjoy your lunch or take a walk at the same time. The Urban Lunch Talk is live recorded on Zoom, and later published for the Driving Urban Transitions YouTube channel.


Find the latest episodes on the DUT YouTube channel. Previous episodes can be found on the JPI Urban Europe YouTube channel.