Positive Energy Districts (PED) Projects
The Positive Energy Districts (PED) Transition Pathway shifts the focus from the individual positive energy building towards neighbourhoods. The DUT Call 2022 selected 13 projects in the PED pathway focusing on 3 themes:
- Energy Communities – Energy Transition Driven by Civil Society. The 8 projects funded under this theme are CO2PED, COPPER, ENERGY4ALL, HeatCOOP, Making PEDs, OPEN4CEC, PERSIST and V2G-QUESTS.
- Energy Flexibility Strategies – Technological, Legal, Societal Challenges. The 2 projects funded under this theme are DigiTwins4PEDs and FLEdge.
- Energy Efficiency in Existing Urban Structures. The 3 projects funded under this theme are JUST PEPP, PED StepWise and POSEIDON.
Find the list of projects and partners below.
1.1 Energy Communities – Energy Transition Driven by Civil Society
CO2PED – Collective Agency and Co-evolution towards Inclusive Energy Transitions
This project aims to build concrete tools to strengthen the urban transformative capacity of stakeholders toward developing positive energy districts (PEDs) in vulnerable neighbourhoods.
Project coordinator: Universiteit Gent
Project partners: Eesti Linnade ja Valdade Liit, Gemeente Utrecht, Kohtla-järve Linnavalitsus, Municipio de Matosinhos, Município de Vila Nova de Gaia, Ndvr, Stad Gent, Universidade de Aveiro, Universiteit Utrecht, University of Tartu, Valga Vald
Participating countries: Belgium, Estonia, Netherlands, Portugal
COPPER – Creating, Optimising, and Planning Positive EneRgy Districts: Connecting Citizens’ Energy at Different Geographical Levels
By increasing the engagement of citizens across energy communities (ECs) this project aims to create human–centric positive energy districts (PEDs).
Project coordinator: Stichting Radboud Universiteit
Project partners: Aalborg Universitet, Ebo Consult AS, Eigersund Kommune, Iscte – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Stichting Hogeschool Van Arnhem Ennijmegen Han, Stichting Radboud Universiteit, Stiftelsen Ruralis Institutt for rural- og regionalforskning, Svaheia Eiendom AS
Participating countries: Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal
ENERGY4ALL – Energy as a Common Pool Resource
ENERGY4ALL aims at developing and testing energy as a common pool resource through an inclusive governance model. The project will support toolboxes for the design and implementation of positive energy districts (PEDs)/ energy communities (ECs).
Project coordinator: Eutropian GmbH
Project partners: ABUD Mernokiroda Kft, ASD Palestra Popolare Quarticciolo, Budapest Fovaros Onkormanyzata, Felleskjøpet Rogaland Agder Sa, Fondazione Openpolis Ets, Nahstrom HMV GmbH, Nuove Ri-Generazioni Lazio, Skretting AS, Stavanger commune, Szövetkezetiséget Támogató Egyesület, Tecnologie Solidali, Universitaet Fuer Bodenkultur Wien, Universitetet i Stavanger
Participating countries: Austria, Hungary, Italy, Norway
HeatCOOP – Residents-Owned Heat Cooperatives to Push Urban Decarbonisation
The project’s objective is to research and develop a prototype for an innovative organisational model that facilitates the decarbonisation of heat supply in urban neighbourhoods, with a specific emphasis on heat cooperatives.
Project coordinator: realitylab GmbH
Project partners: City of Vienna, Department for Energy Planning, Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, E7 Energie Markt Analyse GmbH, Gemeinnützige Familienhäuser – Bau – Und Wohnungsgenossenschaft Registrierte Genossenschaft M.B.H., Institut Jozef Stefan, Municipality of Ivančna Gorica, Municipality of Selnica Ob Dravi, Reenag Holding GmbH, Seven – The Energy Efficiency Center Z.U., Verein zur Förderung der Klimaneutralität im Kahlenbergerdorf [Klimadörfl]
Participating countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Slovenia
Making PEDs – Decision-Making Digital Twins for Climate Neutral PEDs
Making PEDs is an international project to create Digital Twins as a decision support tool for cities in their transition towards climate neutrality. In addition, the 11 partners from 4 countries will use digital twins to support the active regeneration of four urban areas in Linz (Austria), Civitavecchia, Rome (Italy), El Prat de Llobregat (Spain), and Bærum (Norway) aiming to become climate neutral.
Project coordinator: Fundacio Institut de Recerca de L’energia de Catalunya
Project partners: A.T.E.R. del Comprensorio di Civitavecchia, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Ayuntament De Palma De Mallorca, Baerum commune, Cíclica Arquitectura SCCL, Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet NTNU, R2M Solution SRL, Stadt Linz, UFGC GmbH, Universita Degli Studi Roma Tre,
Participating countries: Austria, Italy, Norway, Spain
OPEN4CEC – Service-Oriented Open Platform for Citizen Energy Communities (CEC) – A Collaborative Platform
The main objective of the project is to develop an open and collaborative platform (OPEN4CEC) based on microservices to support Citizen Energy Communities (CEC) and its members.
Project coordinator: Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti
Project partners: CEZ Romania SA, Compania Nationala de Transport al Energiei Electrice Transelectrica SA, Comune di Savona, Consell Comarcal del Valles Occidental, ENDEF Engineering SL, Municipal Energy Agency of Pamplona City Council, Oras Baicoi, Lara Business Energy S.R.L., Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet NTNU, Sintef Energi AS, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Universita Degli Studi di Genova, Primaria Municipiului Targu Jiu
Participating countries: Italy, Norway, Romania, Spain
PERSIST – Positive EneRgy diStrIctS driven by ciTizens
PERSIST aims to achieve a better understanding of how socio-economic, socio-cultural, and socio-political factors shape positive energy districts (PEDs) and their interrelations with technological, regulatory, and investment aspects across different geographical, cultural, and economic contexts.
Project coordinator: Fachhochschule Zentralschweiz – Hochschule Luzern
Project partners: AS Sadales Tikls, Ayuntamiento de Pamplona, COOPERNICO – Cooperativa de Desenvolvimento Sustentavel Crl, Hogskolen i Ostfold, Municipality of Alba Iulia, RB3 Innovación Urabana Integrada, Rigas Tehniska Universitate, SmartCity Alliance, Stadt Winterthur, Switzerland Innovation Park Central, Universidad del Pais Vasco/ Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Universitatea Tehnica Cluj-Napoca, Verdal commune, Zala Briviba Biedriba, [additional partners to be confirmed]
Participating countries: Latvia, Norway, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, [additional countries to be confirmed]
V2G-QUESTS – Vehicle to Grid for Equitable Zero-Emission Transitions in Positive Energy Districts
V2G-QUESTS contributes to the creation of inclusive positive energy districts (PEDs) by bringing electric mobility and the concept of Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) into disadvantaged communities, typically poor in private and shared electric vehicles (EVs).
Project coordinator: Technische Universiteit Delft
Project partners: Comunidade Intermunicipal da Regiao de Aveiro, Eesti Energia AS, Energie-U, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Gemeente Utrecht, Junta de Freguesia de Aradas, Nationaal Kennisplatform Laadinfrastructuur (NKL), POLIS – Promotion of Operational Links with Integrated Services, Association Internationale, PRIO.E – Mobility Solutions, LDA, Provincie Utrecht, Stedin Netbeheer BV, Stichting Hogeschool Van Arnhem Ennijmegen HAN, Tartu Linn, Tartu Ulikool, Technische Universitaet Graz, The University of Edinburgh, Universidad de la Iglesia de Deusto Entidad Religiosa, Universidade de Aveiro, Vereniging Elektrische Rijders, Wheels4all BV, Wijkcooperatie Kanaleneiland U.A.
Participating countries: Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom
1.2 Energy Flexibility Strategies – Technological, Legal, Societal Challenges
DigiTwins4PEDs – Utilisation of Urban Digital Twins to Co-create Flexible Positive Energy Systems for Districts
This project aims to enhance community-driven energy transformation by developing new IT–based public participation methods, using technology such as Urban Digital Twins (UDTs).
Project coordinator: Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart
Project partners: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Gemeente Rotterdam, Infosolutions Sp. z o.o., Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, Stadt Wien, Technische Universiteit Delft, Universitaet Für Bodenkultur Wien, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wroclawiu
Participating countries: Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Poland
FLEdge – A Novel Hierarchical Edge-Based Flexibility Management Ecosystem at Both Building and City Level
FLEdge aims to transform buildings, neighbourhoods, districts, and cities into positive energy districts (PEDs). It will deliver a hierarchical flexibility energy management system based on a distributed and decentralised architecture, having as a core element an Edge-Energy Management (EEM) device, capable of handling energy flexibility in an automatic, optimal, and decentralised manner.
Project coordinator: Diethnes Panepistimio Ellados
Project partners: Chalmers Tekniska Högskola, Diethnes Panepistimio Ellados, Elering AS, Energomonitor Bulgaria Ltd, Kinnon Legal Services S.R.L., Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski, Stolichna Obshtina, Sätt färg på Göteborg ekonomisk förening, Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Thermo-Logic AB, [additional project partners to be confirmed].
Participating countries: Bulgaria, Estonia, Greece, Romania, Sweden
1.3 Energy Efficiency in Existing Urban Structures
JUST PEPP – Just Positive Energy Planning Processes in Disadvantaged Urban Areas
This project aims to empower vulnerable population groups by investigating how positive energy districts (PEDs) can be planned for, with and by citizens of disadvantaged urban areas. It will specifically explore opportunities for energy-efficiency and energy-flexibility solutions in existing buildings and urban transport.
Project coordinator: Örebro University
Project partners: Climate Alliance – Klima-Buendnis – Alianza del Clima E.V., Høgskolen i Innlandet, Hällefors Bostads AB, Kongsvinger kommune, NCC Sverige AB, Region Örebro Län, Stichting Platform31, Universiteit Utrecht, White Arkitekter AB, Örebro Bostäder AB
Participating countries: Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden
PED StepWise –Participatory Step-by-Step Implementation Process for Zero Carbon District Concepts in Existing Neighbourhoods
The project aims to develop a step-by-step process for creating positive energy districts (PEDs), acknowledging the complexities and various stakeholders involved. The process aims to be inclusive, applicable to existing districts and neighbourhoods, and responsive to stakeholders’ needs and aspirations.
Project coordinator: E7 Energie Markt Analyse GmbH
Project partners: Arteria Technologies GmbH, City of Vienna – Department for Energy Planning
E.ON Energiinfrastruktur, Gemeente Utrecht, Gemeinnützige Familienhäuser-, Bau- und Wohnungsgenossenschaft, reg.Gen.m.b.H, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Malmö Fotbollförening, Malmö Stad, realitylab GmbH, Research Institute of Sweden (RISE), Stichting Hogeschool Utrecht, Utrecht University, White Arkitekter AB
Participating countries: Austria, Netherlands, Sweden
POSEIDON – POSitive Energy Initiatives in Districts fOr Neutral mediterranean cities
This project aims to develop a methodology that fosters the transition from existing districts into positive energy districts (PEDs) in Mediterranean cities. By doing so, the objective is also to demonstrate the opportunity that PEDs represent for the energy transition and climate-neutrality and to promote their integration in planning strategies of Mediterranean cities.
Project coordinator: Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Project partners: Antalya Metropolitan Municipality, Ayuntamiento de Alcorcon, Comune di Cesena, De Surdurulebilir Enerji Ve Insaat Sanayi Ticaret Limited Sirketi, EMAC Empresa Municipal De Ambientede Cascais Em Sa, Grupo Impacte Planificación Urbana SL, Municipio de Cascais, Roma Capitale, Universita Degli Studi Roma Tre, Ville de Marseille, Wonderland – Platform for European Architecture
Participating countries: Austria, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Turkey