September 2023
20 Initiatives Selected in First Edition of Urban Doers Community
The first 20 innovative initiatives for the Urban Doers Community pilot 2023 have been selected by our jury of experts and partners of the DUT partnership. The call for EoI generated a strong interest from all over Europe, with 190 applications from 24 countries. The initiatives encompass a range of topics related to urban transitions, including local energy innovations, sustainable transportation, circular approaches, and nature-inspired solutions.
The Urban Doers Community piloting period is set to start on 1 October 2023, and will run until the end of September next year. To kick off this exciting journey, all Urban Doers will meet up in Vienna on 20 October 2023, for a collaborative exchange of ideas and experiences.
The 20 selected initiatives
Smarter Than Car (AUT)
Smarter Than Car is an advocacy, research, and design group for post carbon mobility and socio-ecological transformation.
Find out more here.
Imperfect (BEL)
Imperfect offers a user-friendly online platform that promotes circular economy in the construction and renovation sector.
Find out more here.
Maribor Cycling Network/ Mariborska kolesarska mreža (SVN)
Maribor Cycling Network raises awareness and promotes the use of bicycles as an environmentally friendly and healthy mode of transportation in cities.
Find out more here.
Fragment (NOR)
Fragment is an Oslo-based microenterprise specializing in architecture and urban planning with a focus on participation and biodiversity.
Find out more here.
MUV developed out of the idea to turn mobility into a sport. Through their mobile app MUV is encouraging people to be more active, whilst also influencing sustainable and citizen-friendly urban policies.
Find out more here.
OK NON-PROFIT offers demand-responsive transport to reduce energy consumption and to support a reduction of number of cars in urban areas.
Find out more here.
La Papiro (ESP)
With their project Sustainable City Promoter, La Papiro aims to transform railway stations into vibrant urban centres that serve as hubs for sustainable services and practices.
Find out more here.
Solidarity Economy Center/ Alsómocsolád energy community project (HUN)
The Alsómocsolád energy community project aims to advance community energy initiatives and reorganize energy production in democratic, consumer-owned, and decentralized ways.
Find out more here.
Viver Telheiras Association/ Telheiras Renewable Energy Community (PRT)
Telheiras Renewable Energy Community is a non-profit network offering sustainable energy solutions that promotes energy poverty mitigation and urban transformation.
Find out more here.
Centre for Spatial Justice – Domestic Heat Comfort for Energy Poverty and Climate Adaptation (TUR)
The Centre for Spatial Justice advances urban transformation by examining spatial justice, gathering data on vulnerabilities, capacities, and experiences tied to energy poverty and heat waves.
Find out more here.
Thriving Communities (SVN)
Thriving Communities enables communities to thrive within the planetary boundaries through initiatives that focus on how to organise, resource, plan and manage radical enough change.
Find out more here.
Groupe One (BEL)
Groupe One aims for a fundamental change towards a sustainable economy by coaching and leading transitions projects with municipalities.
Find out more here.
Wise Europe (POL)
Wise Europe is an independent think-tank on a mission to improve European policymaking by using economic and institutional analysis.
Find out more here.
Supergrätzl Lichtental (AUT)
Supergrätzl Lichtental reimagine and revitalise neighbourhoods by transforming them into superblocks using local action and citizen participation.
Find out more here.
Plan Zero supports cities on their journey to net-zero through guidance on strategic and implementation actions.
Frank Bold Society – Shared Energy Management of the Tolštejn voluntary association of municipalities (CZE)
Frank Bold Society promotes the creation and development of energy communities which uses collaborative approaches to energy management.
Find out more here.
Barkarby Science AB (SWE)
Barkarby Science offers a test bed for academic institutions, government bodies, industry leaders, and the local community, to innovate, test, and collaborate around sustainable urban solutions.
Find out more here.
SUSDESIGN – Design for Sustainability Studio Research (PRT)
Susdesign is a micro enterprise devoted to the implementation of sustainable and circular design projects.
Find out more here.
Buurtcomité Ekkergem – Local Energy Action Plan for Ekkergem (BEL)
Buurtcomité Ekkergem is an open association of citizens developing a local and shared renewable energy system.
Find out more here.
Elav Tänav – Mobility Intervetntions for Schools (EST)
The Mobility Interventions for Schools project is developing a set of sustainable mobility interventions for schools that aims at shifting commuting habits towards sustainable modes of travel.
Find out more here.
Read more about the Urban Doers Community here.