July 2023
CapaCITIES Offered in June a Full Capacity-Building Package with Workshops and Webinars
Three online capacity-building events have been organised in June 2023 by the CapaCITIES project, addressing city authorities and urban actors, policymakers on a national level, research and funding organisations from all over Europe.
On 1 June 2023 an online workshop on stakeholder mapping and engagement addressed urban actors to exchange experiences in building national support structures for accelerating climate neutrality and collaborate on sense-making maps.
On 12 June 2023 an online webinar on monitoring and reporting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions was organised with a focus on the role of the national level actors in supporting local governments. Participants had the opportunity to discover current reporting platforms and tools for cities. There are a number of ways national governments can support cities measuring and report their data, such as providing clear guidelines and technical assistance, facilitating data sharing across all governance levels, allocating financial resources to support monitoring and reporting in cities, or aligning national reporting processes with international standards, and more.
On 20 June 2023 in a webinar on good practice cases from Poland and Finland triggered discussions around multi-level governance as prerequisite for successful Cities Mission implementation. It brought together about 60 government organisations, city authorities, research organisations and businesses.
In order to strengthen multi-level governance in Poland, specific tasks were jointly agreed in ad-hoc working groups, such as elaborating job descriptions for city officials to coordinate climate neutrality processes, the nomination of local ambassadors, or a survey to outline specific expertise that cities require.
In Finland a national platform is organised through top-down, bottom-up and horizontal mechanisms involving various stakeholders allowing for alignment of urban transition activities on multi governance level.
Presentations of the webinar can be found here.