December 2023
Invitation: Scoping for DUT Call 2024
Open stakeholder consultation on Transition Pathway Priorities
Click here to access the survey.
The survey is open from 14 December 2023 until 19 January 2024.
The Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) Partnership is a European long-term research and innovation programme. It aims at building capacities and supporting local authorities and municipalities, service and infrastructure providers, and citizens to translate global strategies into local action. The DUT Partnership pursues this aim along three thematic priorities (Transition Pathways): Positive Energy Districts (PED), Circular Urban Economies (CUE), and the 15-Minute City (15mC).
The DUT Partnership acknowledges that the urban challenges ahead of us are global, which is why we keep extending our activities beyond Europe to include international partners. As a partner of the Urban Transitions Mission of Mission Innovation and engaged in ongoing discussions of a cooperation with the Belmont Forum, we are strongly committed to incorporating the global perspective of urban transitions and including cities, researchers and practitioners around the globe in our programme.
Objectives of the call scoping process
Co-creation with urban stakeholders is key to create a strong community around urban transitions and to establish a well-known research and innovation platform that will help cities become more sustainable, inclusive, climate-neutral and liveable.
The open stakeholder consultation is an important step of the scoping process with the goal to define the topics for the third DUT call to be launched in September 2024. The scoping process will progress from challenges through priorities and themes to the actual call topics.
Now it is time for you – our (global) DUT community, urban actors and interested parties – to become active with the aim to reflect on the relevance of the challenges and priorities, to identify knowledge gaps. The stakeholder consultation focuses on the three DUT Transition Pathways (TPs) and the challenges, priorities, and themes to be addressed through research and innovation in each of these TPs. You can choose to respond to all questions in the survey or to focus on one or two of the TPs. The results from the survey will also feed into the AGORA dialogues organised in the end of January 2024, where the challenges, priorities, and themes will be explored in greater depth.
Why does your participation matter?
You are an expert. With your expertise and/or practical experience in the field of urban transitions, your support helps us to address the most relevant issues for urban transformations in the upcoming DUT Call.
Aims of the Stakeholder Consultation
This stakeholder consultation informs the next DUT call to be launched in September 2024. Its aim is to
• reflect the relevance of the challenges and priorities identified in the first phase of the scoping process
• identify knowledge gaps
• provide input and feedback to the Strategic AGORA dialogue.
Where do the priorities in this survey come from?
The challenges and priorities presented in this survey are derived from different internal and external sources:
1) DUT Roadmap and the Multi-Annual Call Agenda for each Transition Pathway
2) Building on the results of previous JPI Urban Europe and DUT calls
3) Stakeholder mobilisation in different focus groups, such as the City Panel, Thematic AGORA Dialogues, NetZeroCities City Advisors, etc.
4) Discussions in the internal DUT Steering Groups composed of DUT partners.
We also strive to harmonise our calls with the bigger European and global R&I ecosystem. To achieve this, we actively consider the opportunities presented by the relevant Partnerships and Missions – placing a particular emphasis on the Cities Mission and the Climate Adaptation Mission.
These sources were synthesised and summarised in the challenges, priorities, and statements you will find in the survey. Some of you may have already participated in the development of the DUT Roadmap or in AGORA events, others may be new to our Partnership.
Either way, this survey is a key opportunity for you to provide specific input on the priorities for the next call in 2024. Should you be interested in further discussions and reflections on the call priorities, please also consider joining one of the upcoming call scoping AGORA Dialogues.
Questions or problems?
If you have any questions or problems with the link to the survey, please contact Orsolya Küttel.