December 2023
Quo Vadis, PED? – a PED AGORA on Reflecting the PED Narrative
Feedback from cities and other stakeholders tells us that there is a need for updating the Positive Energy Districts (PED) narrative. In October, we invited the PED community to an AGORA Thematic Dialogue to reflect on building blocks for a better integration of the PED concept into climate-neutrality discourse and policies.
Great discussions took place at the AGORA with over 30 participants from municipalities, NGOs, and R&I. Bottom line: How can we support cities with an attractive narrative and a clear framework for taking up the concept? After Maria Lennartsson (City of Stockholm) and Simon Schneider (University of Applied Sciences, Vienna) set the scene with inspiring inputs on merits and gaps of the PED concept, we dug deeper into the meaning of the key aspects of PEDs, finetuning the “P”, the “E” and the “D”. With different positions regarding the key elements of the PED narrative becoming evident, the PED Transition Pathway will continue exchange and consultation with the PED community, aiming at an updated PED Roadmap in 2025. Stay tuned!
Linking the PED Transition Pathway to European Policies
The DUT PED Transition Pathway is a working group of the Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan. At this year’s SET Plan Conference in November in Barcelona, DUT and CET Partnership jointly organised a side event that brought together and discussed the important contribution of the partnerships to European policies in general, and the SET Plan in particular. State-of-play of the PED Mission 2025 and the ambition of a better integration of the PED concept into European policies and initiatives were a focus of the session. You can re-watch the whole session below: