Core Country
Coordinating structure: National Mirror Group focuses on work related to the Driving Urban Transition ( DUT) partnership and the EU Cities Mission and aims to support existing networks of local authorities at both national and European level by bringing the French national level closer to the EU level , as well as to build future networks established within the framework of the Mission. It brings together all relevant public and private professional stakeholders to structure the collective action according to an operational roadmap in the short term. It is led by the French Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research
National partners supporting the Cities Mission: National Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME), the National Research Agency (ANR), the National Agency for Territorial Cohesion (ANCT), CEREMA, France Ville Durable; France Urbaine; Agence Nationale de Cohésion Territoriale.